Before you can get a Qld Learners License, you must complete the Prep L Test online. Click on the link below to begin... Once completed we can help you with driving lessons & your driving test when the day arrives. Simply book driving lessons online through our website & we will take care of the rest.
You must complete your Online Hazard Pereption Test before doing your practical driving test.
You can start your Hazard Perception Test after you have held your learners license for at least 6 months. We can help you with driving lessons, simply book driving lessons online & we will take care of the rest.
Are you ready to do your driving test? Do you need any more driving lessons to help refine existing skills? Simply book driving lessons online & we can take care of you from there…
Andergrove Queensland 4740, Australia
* Book your lesson online for instant confirmation
* All lesson start & finish in MACKAY AREA ONLY
* Need a car for your driving test? We can help
* Manual, Automatic & 4x4 Available
* T&C’s apply to all products & service
* 48hr Cancellation Notice Policy Applies
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